Minor electrical problems can lead to more serious ones if not taken care of right away. Martinez Electrical Services, LLC has the expertise to troubleshoot and repair outlets, lighting, or any other sort of electrical problems in the house. When on the scene, we will find the problem, let you know what happened and fix it.
Let our experts evaluate and address all of your lighting needs. Martinez Electrical Services, LLC installs all sorts of lighting including indoor lighting, outdoor lighting, attic lighting, ceiling fans, dimmer switches, motion sensors, and photo cells. - PANELS
We install new panel boxes and replace old ones that may have become unsafe. Your Panel box is the heart of your home electrical system and should be given special attention to its inspection and maintenance. - OUTLETS AND WIRING
When the time comes for adding addional outlets for existing rooms or additions to your home, we will provide you with our expertise to insure that outlets and wiring are installed correctly.